Naruto Chapter 626 | Naruto 626 Raw

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naruto chapter 626 can be read in this page and will be updated to bring you the anticipated scanlations on its release date. It is clear that other clans barely knew Senju and Uchiha beside what they heard of them (you simply do not employ those that can’t handle the job) and we know at that time, the Senju’s propaganda (clearly stated by Hashirama and the truth revealed by Tobirama) was going around the world at that time, even to the current age it is still believed to be the truth. Then just compare Madara’s somewhat-ugly face (mentioned by Hashirama) with a handsome charismatic Hashirama, and the choice is made without even looking into the matters.

naruto chapter 626 raw

He had his reasons and it was his choice. Funny enough the democratic vote only happened the first time, while all other times it seems that the Hokage was chosen by the previous Hokage (it seems like it was actually targeted at Madara, to show him that he has no place in Konoha, because Madara himself was thinking that it would better that Hashirama was the one, until Hashirama insisted). The democratic vote, among the people that just came to the village, that have only heard legends and fairy tails about Hashirama and some atrocities (which in reality weren’t) about Madara.

It was quite clearly stated that Madara was misunderstood and his demand, the choices he gave, was an act of kindness (depends on translations). It was quite reasonable, a single sacrifice for the peace of all and it didn’t have to be Izuna’s killer (which means that it wasn’t about revenge). Beside, it was more of a test, to see if Hashirama is sincere about what he was saying (remember that the young Uchiha and Senju were semi-brainwashed, in order to never trust the other side, but both Madara and Hashirama were able to overcome it).