Naruto 625 Released Date Konoha

This chapter naruto 625 even showed why. And the panel that Roman put on for us is a carbon copy example of why. Not once, but twice in this chapter did we see one of the most powerful Uchiha arts…. that’s right… the “Uchiha art of run”. “He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day”. Heck, this chapter also displayed the Uchiha art of Surrender.

naruto 625

In all seriousness though, the two clans could have been equal but over time, the senju became stronger or perhaps all of this time the Senju were stronger, and won more battles than the lost (which couldn’t be said about teh Uchiha). It wasn’t so much about wiping out a clan, as much as maybe gaining whatever strategic advantage was being sought after. And though I joke, yes, I think there really could be some credence to the Uchiha’s retreating. For as proud a clan as they were, it wasn’t beyond them to flee and regroup for the next encounter.